Stress Management care provider

Stress Reduction

  • Sleep Hygiene

  • Physical Activity

  • Meditation Strategies

  • Therapeutic Communication

Stress Reduction Care Services

What is right and effective for one patient might not be what is right for another. Stress reduction is a very personal thing and, for that reason, the techniques we recommend to decrease stress will vary and be specific to each patient.

Rachel Sposito

DNP, FNP-C, CEO LEAP Integrated Health

What You Need to Know About Your Appointment

Brooke Fields and Rachel Sposito can provide stress and emotional wellbeing management tools that fit your lifestyle using a combination of traditional and alternative therapies.

You can expect: 

A 60-minute or 30-minute un-rushed visit. 

Active listening. 

A two-way conversation about your healthcare goals. 

A personalized healthcare plan.

Integrated Healthcare that Focuses on Preventative Medicine and Healing